In the early 12th century, the land of Da Chu is on the brink of war, its Imperial court steeped in corruption and intrigue. The cruel Emperor and his unscrupulous cronies conspire to assassinate Empress Yao Mo Xin, and their malevolent plot succeeds. Meanwhile, other vengeful factions relentlessly pursue Yao Mo Wan, the Empress’s younger sister.
Amidst a night shrouded in mystery, the spirit of the deceased queen inhabits her sister’s body, fueled by a burning desire for retribution against those who betrayed and poisoned her. Now, the Empress, residing within Yao Mo Wan’s form, steps into the Imperial Court, her resolve unwavering as she seeks vengeance. Along her path, she encounters Ye Jun Qing, a young prince of Da Chu, and their fates intertwine.
As she uncovers the depths of corruption within the court, the Empress resolves to support Ye Jun Qing in overthrowing the wicked Emperor. Armed with her sharp intellect and innate cunning, she strives to secure the throne for her beloved.